WEEE Directive Compliance

What is WEEE?

WEEE stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and is a rapidly growing source of waste products in Europe. WEEE may contain hazardous substances which, if exposed, could have a serious detrimental effect on both the environment and on human health. To help customers identify Waste Electrical or Electronic Equipment, a crossed out wheelie bin logo will be displayed on the product. These products should not be disposed of with ordinary household waste or sent to landfill.

What are WEEE regulations?

From 2007 onwards, all manufacturers and retailers within the European Union are liable to offer take-back, treatment and recycling of electrical equipment that has reached the end of its life. This process helps reduce the amount electronic or electrical equipment that is being sent to landfill sites and increase the amount of potentially hazardous materials that can be safely recycled.

How do Saturn Stopwatches comply with WEEE regulations?

As a distributor of new Electronic Equipment, Saturn Sports Ltd are committed to the reduction of WEEE and to the environmental impact it causes. To comply with WEEE regulations, we offer a free take back scheme on a one-for-one, life-for-like basis. For instance, when you purchase a new electronic product from us, such as a stopwatch, you may return your old stopwatch to us for environmentally friendly disposal. We only do this if the new product purchased has the same use and functionality as the old one.

Please contact us prior to the return of any WEEE to advise us of your intentions, then return your old products within 28 days of purchasing to the address below.

Please note: You are responsible for any postage costs when returning WEEE to us.

Saturn Sports Ltd
e-space South
26 St Thomas Place
Ely, Cambs

Further information on WEEE can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website: